Welcome New Artists in Residence:

Welcome New Artists in Residence:

Liza Dieckwisch,  Ae-ran Kim , Jungwoon KimKlara Paterok (living and working in Düsseldorf (GER) and Vienna (AT) arrived at Popps on June 1st for a six week residency.

The four artists met during their studies at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, where they began to collaborate on projects and are in residence at Popps until July 15 to explore their collective practices within the context of Detroit and Hamtramck.

Liza Dieckwisch is a painter. She combines her colors directly in the space, there is no canvas or other medium, her “paintings” are the colors themselves, the colors seem to be “autonomous”. Dieckwisch’s works allow a straight communication between the artist and the audience. The paintings appear like organic formations: The layers of different colors seem to spread, the paintings are always ready for a change and therefore they are always in process.

Aeran Kim accepts and respects the irony and illogicality of life. She observes the daily routine and interrupts it before it serves a purpose; in this way she eliminates the everyday occurrence. You can find the irony as concept in the details of the performance’s process. Those details change several times in the process of the work, it seems that they destroy the perfect structure, but in fact they accomplish the whole structure.

Jungwoon Kim composes psychological cities. The installations are built with everyday objects: stairways. For her constructions she employs foam board that kind of material used for the architectural models. Colors, silicone, collages and video disturb the clean white surface of the material. Moreover the strictness of the structure of the work is broken.

Klara Paterok deals with cultural objects, architectural characteristics and shapes of nature. She combines these topics and defines points of contact by alteration of materiality and form. The reference of objects to the nature and body of the human being plays an important role in this process. One of her particular interest lies in the contentual and visual overlap of cultural and natural objects (® objets ambigus, Valéry, P.)