Friday, May 27  6PM- 9PM

Open Studio with Vincenzo Fagnani and Tana Santos

Please join us for an open studio with visiting artists,  Vincenzo Fagnani and Tana Santos (currently living and working in Berlin). Vincenzo  & Tana  will present a large body of work installed around the Popps compound and beyond that focuses on the relationship between symbols, ethics and public spaces.

This works is part of a larger project titled, “The Sea After Crisis: Reality is amorphous. Ethics is graphics”.

13256160_510019159198318_8226410000475278443_nAbout the “The Sea After Crisis”:

From Pre-Hellenic cultures until today humans have been determining a number of ethical geometries that survived and strengthened over the most significant epochal changes, above all the accession of monotheism. Those geometries also represent the basis of a social model which imposed its will worldwide over the past centuries.

“The sea after crisis” is a project about the dynamics of moral structures and the role of graphics in society. It is a long trip across etymology and symbology narrated through visual paradoxes, poster campaigns and art interventions to realize in three emblematic cities: Detroit (United States), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Athens (Greece). The experiences made in those cities will be then collected in a single book.

Some of Vincenzos published works can be found at Printed Matter.